Clothing, wading, rods, lines, fishing Accessories

In the Andes, weather varies suddenly, especially during November, December, March and April. Bring warm lightweight clothes for fishing, a jacket and sweaters, cotton socks, rain gear and 2 pair of tennis shoes. Neutral colors like tan and green provide the best camouflage. Bright colors can spook fish. We also recommend bringing layered clothing, so you can put on and take off layers as the weather dictates. Many trout fishing areas in Argentina are at elevations of 2500 - 3000 feet, which can result in dramatic temperature swings. Please remember that Patagonia can also be windy.

All of our fishing is in rivers and streams, wading from the coast and sometimes on floating trips and float-tubing. One pair of fly weight chest waders and one pair of neoprene chest waders is recommended. The new waders "non-condensation" is the best for walking.
The comfort of your wading shoes is very important also.

Bring 2-3 Rods. A good combination is:
- 8-91/2' 4/5 weigth for dry and nymphs flies.
- 9-91/2' 6/7 weigth for streamer.
- 8-9' 3-4 weight for spring creeks and little flies.
We suggest:
- Floating lines for each rod.- Sink tip lines 5-8. (like Scientific Angler Ultra 2 wet tip IV 10' or Tenny Nymph Tip).
- Shooting head sink tip line 7-8 weight (like Teeny T200 or T300 or shooting line sink V).
- Optional: Intermediate sinking line.
- Baking 75 - 100 yards is sufficient.
From 4 to 12 feet long. Tippet material is extremely important in Argentina. The trout are very strong and powerful. Your tippet material should be sheer resistant as well as have the maximum breaking strength in small daymeters.Fishing Accessories:
Polaroid glasses are indispensable; you may want to bring an extra pair. Fishing vest, rain jacket, wide-brimmed fishing hat are also recommended. Insect repellent is sometimes needed as there are few mosquitoes or biting insects in Patagonia Argentina. Suntan lotion and lip balm are usually useful as well. Strike indicators for nymph fishing, camera, and films do not need explanation.
Additional Information
For Streamer the colors: Black, olive, brown with cristal
flah and combinations with orange color, with and without bead head.
For Nymphs:jig nymphs is a very good options in fast rivers.
The liders: For dry fly fishing 5X and 6 X ( 9 to 12 foot)
For Nymphs Fishing 3X to 5X (9 foots)
For Streamer fishing OX to 2X (9 foots)
Normally use 3 or 4 each.
Tippets: 3X to 7X
Strike Indicators .

MOSCAS Río Futaleufú
Dries : Size #14 to 16
Nov: Adams-Parachute Adams-March Brown-Cahill
Dec. Adams-Parachute Adams-Humpy-Chernobyl Ant -Stimulator
Ene. Parachute Adams-Caddis(Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Tarantula- Madame X
Feb. Adams-Parachute Adams-Caddis(Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Tarantula-
Madame X-Flying Ants
Mar. Parachute- Adams-Caddis( Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Tarantula- Madame X-
Grass Hoppers-Flying Ants
Apr. Parachute- Adams-Caddis( Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Tarantula- Madame
X- Beetles
All Months: Emerger of May Flies- Caddis and Crippled dry flies.
Nymphs : Size # 14 to 20
Dragons(Nov-Dec) For All Months: Prince-Pheasent Tail- Brassie- Zug Bug- Hares
Ear-Copper John
Streamers: Size: 4 to 8
For All month: Rabbits- Wooly Bugger- Marabou Muddler- Marabou Leeches-
Matukas- Rubber legs wooly and rabbits.

MOSCAS Río Rivadavia
Dries: Size# 12 to 16
Nov - Dec: Royal Wulf - Adams - Humpy-May fly Duns
Jan - Feb: Caddis- Gray Wulff - Stimulator- Chernobyl ant
Mar- Apr: Caddis- Beetles- Humpy Royal
Nymphs Size 14 to 24
Nov-Dec: Montana- Prince- Dragons -
Ene-Feb: Prince-Pheasant tail- Copper John- Brassie
Mar-Apr: Pheasant tail- Copper John- Brassie-(very small size 20 to 24)
The Jig Nymhps are very effective.
Streamers: Size # 4 to 8
For All month: Rabbits- Wooly Bugger- Marabou Muddler- Marabou Leeches- Matukas-
Rubber legs wooly and rabbits

MOSCAS Nant y Fall River
Dries: Size 12 to 16
Nov-Dec: Adams-Parachute Adams-March Brown-Cahill
Ene-Feb:Adams-Parachute Adams-Caddis(Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Madame
X-Flying Ants
Mar-Apr: Parachute- Adams-Caddis( Elk, Goddark )- Chernobyl ant- Tarantula-Madame X- Grass Hoppers-Flying Ants
CDC Dry Flies are effective, because the river is like spring creek.
Nymphs: Size 10 to 16
Nov-Dec: Dragons and Damsel - montana - prince - Pheasant tail - Hares Ear
Ene-Feb: Prince -pheasant tail - Copper John
Mar-Apr: Prince -pheasant tail - Copper John - Midges nymphs
Streamers: Size 4 to 10
For All month: Rabbits- Wooly Bugger- Marabou Muddler- Marabou Leeches- Matukas-
Rubber legs wooly and rabbits.
For Pejerey fishing ( natural fish ) short streamers size 10 and nymphs
Emerger of May Flies- Caddis and Crippled dry flies